Friday, May 06, 2005

Gays to Kerry: You're a Fucking Loser

Remember John Kerry? No. That's okay, we tried to stop having nightmares about him too. Apparently he's the idiot that lost a Presidential election to another idiot who was losing a war for America and had a failing economy. Right, that idiot. So, who cares what he has to say? Hopefully no one.

Well the biggest loser of 2004, is now telling the Massachusetts State Democratic Party not to endorse same-sex marriage in their platform. "I think it's the wrong thing, and I'm not sure it reflects the broad view of the Democratic Party in our state," says Kerry. However, the majority of Democrats in his state do support same-sex marriage. Perhaps Kerry spent/wasted too much time in the heartland. The Party will work on their platform in a meeting next week.

Why do we still have to hear from this man? Kerry: GO AWAY!

Read more about the biggest loser in 2005, click here...

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