Monday, May 02, 2005

When You Give a Village Idiot a Cookie...

It might have made sense at first. In an effort to get rid of village idiots, Kansas elected all theirs to the Kansas School Board. At least there their activity could be monitored. And really, a child's education is less important than ensuring your neighborhood is without an idiot.

Well, now Kansas is about to get bit on its ass. Soon the whole state will look like it is composed of idiots. It appears the Kansas School Board, full of the state's idiots, is attempting to replace the theory of evolution in the state's textbooks with the absurdity of creationism. Perhaps they are simply proving the point that a society can evolve and also devolve.

Frankly, I am quite pleased to know I came from a monkey. It makes me feel secure when I get the notion that I want to throw some fecal matter around in my apartment.

Read more about the brilliance of Kansas...

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